Monday, 27 February 2012

Paws for Thought..

Today is International Polar Bear Day. Was anyone aware of this? Anyone at all? I love it when days like this happen, when you have International Tea Appreciation Day or International Hug a Ukrainian Day or International Speak Like A Pirate Day. I hug my only Ukrainian friend every time I see her (thanks to this marvellous day) and I regularly count my blessings that I have such a tasty hot beverage to enjoy on a daily basis. So thank you, whoever you aaarrrrr out there who makes these strange holidays. You really enrich my life.

Anyway, I am taking this bloody excellent opportunity to talk about this animal, not only because it seems fitting to talk about it today (because its International Polar Bear Day, did I mention that?) but also because David Attenborough's Frozen Planet series made me a little obsessive. Imagine Dave reading these following facts to you and I've basically got nothing to do to keep your interest.. so do it. (Some of these will also be great to bring up at the pub and make you look really cool and educated. I'd look at it as an investment into your pub chat.)

  1. They look white, but those badass mudda's are BLACK. They're skin is black so they can absorb any heat that radiates from the sun, and their outer fur is transparent and reflect light just like snow and ice does, making them all look white.
  2. They can sniff out seals and other meaty meals from over a mile away, and spend the majority of their lives living on the edge of the sea ice so they have much more opportunity to seal the deal on dinner.. 
  3. Apparently, their success at hunting for food shows that they are just as intelligent as apes, and have been witnessed stacking plastic piping in a heap as part of a game.
  4. The posture of a polar bear and it's resemblance to a human when skinned is said to have contributed to the Inuit folklore that bears are really just humans that dress as polar bears when they leave they're homes.. I'll let you make your own decision on this one.
  5. The most famous polar bear (in my view) is that one called Noah from 'Noah's Island', the kid's TV programme about a bunch of animals on a floating island. (Sacha was always my favourite though.. used to love this programme. The opening title gives me goosebumps. Top telly!) There was also Knut, that baby polar bear in Berlin Zoo that died last year.. What a Knutter.

For a charming set of photographs from the Guardian, click here, and for further information and cute pictures these fantastic brutes, go to the Polar Bears International website.

Monday, 13 February 2012

New Damian Marley

My Best Sunday at Sunday Best

This evening, I am considering breaking my own vow to write a banal post about my life. I'm not sure whether it's because the weekend just gone was one that tickled my fancy, or that I don't find myself particularly inspired by the death of a crack-addicted warbler and the gushing tributes/drug-hating hype that follows. To be brutally honest, I've been waiting for an opportunity to brag about my new career as a superstar DJ. Ahh fuck it. But first, let me take you back to Thursday and a night at Alexandra Palace.

For those who are unaware (I doubt there will be many of you) The Black Keys are a rock duo from Ohio, and spent their Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings playing to sold out crowds at the Ally Pally. I'm a relatively recent fan, only discovering them after their 'Brothers' album in 2010 and their latest 'El Camino' album, which was released last year. (Clearly I still have far to go, considering Wikipedia had to tell me they have SEVEN ALBUMS. Oops.) After a cheeky pint in The Famous Cock in Islington (wipe that smirk off your face) we made our way through a snowy North London to the venue. Song after song, banger after banger, they did not disappoint, and the oversized disco ball during their encore was a much appreciated addition.

And then the snow hit with a vengeance. Outside was covered and the heavens were still going. No trains running, and buses being abandoned, it took us THREE HOURS to get home. Definitely worth it though.

Friday was uneventful, Saturday was spent in the pub with pals watching the rugby, and then it was Sunday. I'd received an email on Thursday night from an organisation called Stick It On - I had won a fifteen minute DJ slot at an event run by Rob da Bank's label 'Sunday Best'. The idea behind the 'Stick It On' service is to allow people with no DJ experience to have a shot at it for fifteen minutes of fame. I'd forgotten that I had applied and this email sent me into a hyper frenzy. Not only was it in bloody cool Camden, but it was in the bloody cool Lock Tavern, a bloody cool pub. Then I found out people like Rob da Bank and Dan Le Sac were playing. All too bloody cool for me.

Needless to say, I was panicking. After a quick chat with a couple of friends, there was no turning back. I had to do it. I wanted to do it! So I did it. And it was great fun. The pub was packed and I was the final 'Stick It On' DJ before Dan Le Sac took to the decks (I can say things like that now I'm a bloody cool superstar DJ).

We stuck around for a bit after, and caught a few songs by these loveable lads.

Then it was home by 9, bed by 11, and the library the next day. I'm so rock and roll it hurts.